On Monday 7th Dec. and under the supervision of sports orientation of Obour educational administration headed by Miss. Zozo, sports inspector, the competition was held in a thrilling atmosphere. Omar Ibn El Khatab School begins the match with speed and concentration until the player Zina could score ten point respectively; after that the two teams could score points in each other. The results of halves came as follows: -First half “25: 21 “for Omar Ibn El Khatab -Second half “25: 23 “for Manaret El Bayan -Third half “15:9 “for Omar Ibn El Khatab The match was thrilling and lasted for one full hour, from 10 am up to 11 am. We thank the two teams for their high sport spirit and fair play, congratulating Omar Ibn El Khatab School, praying Allah for the return of our victories in the competitions to come